Journal Id - JF1230
eISSN - 2159-5526
pISSN - 2159-5534
Impact Factor -
Under Evalution
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Website - Click To View Website
Publish By - David Publishing Company
Language - English
Published Year -
specialization -
Publish By - David Publishing Company
Description - Title: journal of Sociology Study Name of Content Provider (Publisher or Content Owner): Publisher Contact name, email, and country: Kunderi Mahaboob, , United States Describe your relationship to this publication (editor, director, editorial board member, subscriber, etc.): Editor Aim and scope of the content: The journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on recent developments in sociology. Each issue brings you critical perspectives and cogent analyses, serving as an outlet for the best theoretical and research work in the field. The purpose of the journal is to further the understanding of the theory and practice of sociology by publishing articles of interest to practitioners and scholars. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, review articles, case studies, exemplar profiles, viewpoints and research results from practitioners of all grades and professions, academics and other specialists on the broad spectrum of sociology. The topics covered in the journal include (but not limit to): culture; criminality, deviance, law and punishment; economic sociology; environment; education; family, gender, and sexuality; health and illness; Internet; knowledge and science; media; military; political sociology; race and ethnic relations; religion; social networks; social psychology; stratification; urban and rural sociology; work and industry; sport sociology. The journal is published in English. The e-journal provides free and open access to all of its content on our website. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed in hard copy. Discipline (s): social science, human science Languages(s) (in order of most to least prominent): English Audience (academic, general adult, high school, other): Academics Frequency of publication: Monthly Peer-review process: Journal of Sociology is a refereed journal.All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Website: Year of first publication:2011. Content type (journal, e-journal, monograph, pamphlet, conference proceedings, special collection, internet database, Open-access, other): Journal. e-journal, Open-access.
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